Monday, December 16, 2019

The Color Purple Free Essays

Thesis: â€Å"The Color Purple† is more than just entertainment because the story shows what poverty in the old days was like, especially among the colored people and the hardship way of life created from the White man. This novel is dealing with real life situations that no one would talk about. Alice Walker’s prize winning novel â€Å"The Color Purple,† turned into motion picture in 1985. We will write a custom essay sample on The Color Purple or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the beginning, the film caused a wide range of controversy. People who wrote hate letters and organization’s who threatened to boycott the whole production. The Black women’s story was told to millions of people by Hollywood. Another explanation for the movie was how many black people were illiterate, and some did not go to school. The movie influences the audience by showing how what can happen behind closed doors and expresses how that color is the same no matter what the color may be. The film also shows how men over powered women. In a movie-based novel there is always question of becoming a Hollywood movie. Hollywood is notoriously insensitive to the concerns of women and people of color. Years after the release of the movie â€Å"The Color Purple,† Alice Walker expressed her opinion on the movie in the book â€Å"The same river twice† published in 1996. The book includes a draft of Alice Walker’s original screenplay, and some aspects and thoughts on the making and the reception of the film, which became the original story of â€Å"The Color Purple. † How to cite The Color Purple, Essay examples

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